Hear this mic being voiced by Shane Philips on a good day.
Hear this mic being voiced by Shane Philips on an exceptional day.
Owner’s comments: What you see is an original mic, hand-built by Mr. Sidney Shure and fellow engineers. Even the cement used to bond the metal is visible upon inspection. This is a ribbon mic with two settings: Voice and Music. The ribbon has been replaced and the mic was thoroughly cleaned and tested by Doug Walker at Walker Microphones. This mic sounds great and I have chosen it over the RCA 77-DX every time. History: The mic was acquired through an engineer at Shure. Hardly any info is available other than it was designed to compete with the RCA 77 but did not make it into the production phase. Do not confuse this mic with Shure’s first production mic, the “3B” carbon mic.
Photos, graphs, and information courtesy of Shane Philips
Bottom end frequency response
Top end frequency response
The following eight images are provided via the courtesy of Pro Audio Heaven.