The Kenwood Model SM-220
Station Monitor Instruction Manual
Kenwood makes great Amateur (ham) Radio equipment, and this unit, the SM-220 Station Monitor, can still be found at swap meets and in on-line auctions. But its manual is becoming hard to find. So here it is, all twenty-eight pages, including schematic, complete and ready to print at 8½ × 11 inches. (The schematic is provided at its original 11 × 17-inch size.) The entire booklet can be downloaded by using the link below. To view or print, the free Adobe Reader is needed.
The Band Scope (BS-5 or BS-8) unit is ready for installation. As an accessory
for the SM-220, it provides a spectrum analysis of the band being received.
The Band Scope BS-8 pan adapter (spectrum analyzer) module is installed and connected.