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The RCA Type PB-90
velocity microphone

RCA Type PB-90

Here is an RCA Type PB-90 with a dull gunmetal finish,
and a frequency response of 30 to 6,000 Hertz.

Listen to the sound of a Type PB-90 as voiced by Tom Booth.

Tom Booth reports, “Here’s the audio sample I recorded of my RCA Type PB-90 microphone. My recording setup is simple: the mic is connected to an audio chain consisting of a sE Electronics Dynamite inline amplifier, followed by a Shure X2u USB converter, which is connected to my com­puter. I recorded the sample using Audacity, with no EQ or compression applied. I did use the Amplify function in Audacity to bring up the level, as the Mic Gain on the Shure X2u can be a bit finicky at times. I should also mention that I had Clarence Kane at ENAK Microphone re-ribbon and re-cable my PB-90 several years ago.”

WEBMASTER’S COMMENT: Thank you, Tom. Clarence has been a big help to me over the years. Furthermore, I use an sE Electronics Dynamite preamp with all my ribbon mics. Would not want to be without it. Special thanks to you for the sound sample! —Stan Coutant

PB-90 ID plate

The PB-90 Master Index number is MI-4000.

Another label

Another PB-90 plate with AF added to the MI.


And one more, this with no MI number.

RCA PB-90 advertisement

—PB-90 photos courtesy of Mr. Mike Schultz

RCA Type PB-90

Here is another nice PB-90 that appeared on eBay
during November-December, 2003.

RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90 PB90 Label RCA Type PB-90

Another gorgeous RCA Type PB-90 that appeared on eBay during April, 2004.

RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90 JohnCameronSwayze

John Cameron Swayze
American news commentator
April 1906 – August 1995

RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90

Yet another RCA Type PB-90. It went for $1,534.99 on eBay October 13, 2004.

RCA Type PB-90 RCA PB-90 label PB-90 interior eBay auction item

This one showed up on eBay during August, 2005.
It appears that someone removed its original finish.

eBay auction item eBay auction item eBay auction item Darrin's PB-90

This beauty is from the collection of Darrin Warner. Interesting. Darrin’s (above)
is Serial No. 1612, while the one below that showed up on eBay is No. 1616.

Another PB-90 Fuzzy PB-90

A “fuzzy” PB-90 that was not protected against iron filings entering its grilles.

The following six images are provided through the courtesy of Dennis Schrank.

RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90 RCA Type PB-90 PB90 tag PB90 with PB96A1 base
Mr. Schrank comments: “The stand is a PB96A1. It has a half-inch thread and is adjustable with a thumb screw. It’s the only one like it I’ve ever come across. It was a disaster when I got it with plenty of rust and several holes in the base, but a little filler and some RustOleum™ do wonders.”
Judy Garland

Judy Garland in Chicago, 1934, with what may be an RCA Type 44-A or PB-90.

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