The Electro-Voice Model 654 omnidirectional dynamic microphone
The Electro-Voice 654 Microphone is a dynamic omnidirectional type designed for all commercial uses—FM, AM, and TV broadcasting, studio, remote, PA, and recording. Its slim design is made possible without the necessity for closely associated auxiliary equipment. Wide frequency response, wide pickup range, and light weight make it ideal for TV staging and for pass-around use in audience participation. The microphone can be worked from any direction with negligible audible frequency discrimination.
The Model 654 is mounted on a swivel which permits tilting the microphone through a 90° arc toward sound sources. It can be mounted on a floor or desk stand, on a boom, or carried in the hand.
This microphone features the exclusive Electro-Voice Acoustalloy diaphragm. This nonmetallic diaphragm permits smooth response over a wide frequency range and withstands high humidity, temperature extremes, corrosive effects of salt air, and severe mechanical shocks. It is practically indestructible with normal use.
Type: Dynamic
Frequency Response: Uniform from 50 to 16,000 cps. See Figure 2
Impedance: Recessed switch in microphone stud permits quick selection of 50 or 250 ohms. Line balanced to ground and phased
Polar Patterns: Essentially omnidirectional, becoming directional with rise in frequency. See Figure 3
Diaphragm: Electro-Voice Acoustalloy
Magnetic Circuit: Employs Alnico V and Armco magnetic iron in a non-welded circuit.
Case: Steel
Finish: Non-reflecting gray
Dimensions: Diameter: 13⁄32"; Length: 101⁄16" including stud. See Figure 4
Net Weight: 16 ozs
Cable: 18' three-conductor, shielded, neoprene-jacketed, broadcast type
Cable Connector: XL-3-11 Cannon, locking, three-contact wiping type built into the microphone. Permits tilting microphone toward sound source without strain on connector or cable
Stand Coupler: 5⁄8"-27 thread
Optional Accessories: Electro-Voice Model 345 Shock Mount
Text and illustrations are from the E-V Model 654 Microphone Specifications sheet, Part No. 53066